Monday, March 14, 2022

Hypermasculinity & Sexual Assault

 Today we'll be having a look at the following questions: "Explain how sexual behaviour could be socialized in males. Do you think that males who commit sexual assault are "hyper-masculine"? Why and where do men learn "hyper-masculine" behaviour?" These questions are a little more open-ended than some of the other questions we've had a look at, so I'll answer more with my own experiences and things I've seen or heard other people experience, rather than my usual online sources. Note that my thoughts and opinions are being formed just after reading thisthis, and this article.

Sexual behaviour is socialized in males by their peers and the media they consume. Boys develop their "sexual attitude" based on how they hear the people around them talk about sex. If, for instance, a guy hears his friends talking about sexually aggressive behaviour and listens to music that promotes sexual aggression, he will likely adopt those beliefs himself and may be more likely to commit a sexual assault. On the other hand, if he were to receive a proper sex education and surround himself with people who are less sexually aggressive, he will likely have a more respectful and realistic view on sex.

I feel the next question is a little too boolean. I think that some males who commit sexual assault are hypermasculine. The term hypermasculine is defined as "the exaggeration of male stereotypical behavior, such as an emphasis on physical strength, aggression, and sexuality." Think of behaviours and activities that are commonly deemed "manly" or "macho" for a good example of hypermasculinity. Hypermasculinity can definitely play a part in sexual assault for a few reasons. If a man believes that sexually assaulting a woman would prove him to be stronger and gain admiration from his peers, he may be more likely to do so. Even if he doesn't care what his peers think, he may commit sexual assault to reaffirm his own "manliness" or masculinity to himself. 

Hypermasculinity can begin to develop as early as early childhood. Boys who are more aggressive as children may often learn that aggressive behaviour is more likely to get them what they want in the short term. This behaviour is further promoted throughout developmental years by advertising and other media. I would presume that advertising for men's products has a particularly strong influence, as there have been some fairly "questionable" widespread ads. The introduction of this paper alone does a great job of demonstrating that nearly everybody has a pretty similar of what a "real man" looks like, and so this expectation demonstrates and promotes hypermasculinity.

Now that we've had a look at hypermasculinity and sexual assault, let's see if we can't find the motive behind and an actual sexual assault. This news article from Global News reports a groping at Lynn Canyon. Because this was just a groping and not a full-on rape, it's unlikely that the motivation was sexual. Reportedly, the perpetrator walked away laughing, suggesting that he thought this behaviour was funny and okay. Thinking this behaviour is funny could suggest hypermasculinity. He clearly doesn't think that this behaviour is as harmful as it is, or doesn't really care, which is likely indicative of the kinds of people he is surrounded by and the media he consumes. The motivation was just for a bit of fun for the perpetrator, because he has been influenced to believe that minor sexual assaults are funny and may even find amusement in doing something illegal and unethical.

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