Monday, June 6, 2022

My Media Consumption Habits

 Today we'll be taking a look at my media consumption from Friday, June 3rd and put some thought into the type of media I consume, as well as how and when I consume.

6:00 A.M. - 9:00 A.M.

    1 hour of audio

    1 hour online

9:00 A.M. - Noon

    2 hours of print

    2 hours of audio

    1 hour of electronic

Noon - 6:00 P.M.

    30 minutes of print

    6.5 hours of audio

    1 hour of electronic

    15 minutes online

6:00 P.M. - 10:00 P.M.

    2 hours of audio

    4 hours online

10:00 P.M. - Sleep

    1 hour of audio

    1.5 hours electronic

    3.5 hours online

Totaled up, this equals about 1,635 minutes, or 27 hours 15 minutes of media. This is just shy of my estimate of 30 hours, though I expect that 30 hours is actually a low estimate for a typical day for me. On the day that these numbers were recorded, I fell asleep not long after getting home. During my time of rest, I consumed no media. On an average day, I would not fall asleep and would instead continue to consume media. I also suspect that I would spend much more time online during a regular day. This is especially true on a Friday, as I usually stream on Twitch on Fridays instead of falling asleep.

With the aforementioned nap in mind, these results honestly don't really surprise me. I suspected that audio would by far be my greatest intake, as I have music on quietly for most of the day. Especially to be noted is the noon - 6:00 period, where I actually managed to listen to 6.5 hours of audio, because both the car radio and my headphones were on during the drive home. My multitasking habits are by no means only with audio, either. I will almost always be consuming at least 2 types of media, often a videogame and a podcast or YouTube video. 

I'm not sure whether to classify my consumption as user created or mainstream overall. That would really depend on how videogames are classified, and if there is a distinction between AAA games and indie games. If indie games are classified as user generated, then those alongside my YouTube consumption would be enough to push me into the user generated category, otherwise I fit into the mainstream category.

I tend to be always on. I don't really make an effort to limit my media consumption, as unless I have other things I should be doing I don't really see it as too harmful. Whether it is actually harmful or not is another question entirely. Let's review the common long term effects of media, and discuss how those have affected me personally.

    1. Generalizing: If I'm honest, I probably have been affected by this one in some regards. I am likely predisposed to question the intelligence of people who struggle to understand technology. In fact, I recall telling people to "just read the screen", without thinking that they may not understand the terms on the screen that have become second nature for me to understand. There are likely other generalizations I make that I don't even recognize, but this is the most apparent.

    2. Triggering: I think I've managed to avoid this one almost entirely. There is nobody who I follow online that I really aspire to be like, and I'm pretty happy with who I am in general. I think this one is more a product of sites like Twitter and Instagram, which I don't interact with nearly as much as I do sites like Twitch or YouTube.

    3. Malformed Super-Ego: I don't think this applies to me? Or maybe that's just my super-ego telling me I'm too perfect to have such a problem. Jokes aside, I don't think this is the case for me. Usually I try to understand when people are struggling and see if there's anything I can do to help, and when somebody knows more than me I take it as an opportunity to learn rather than getting a bruised ego.

    4. FOMO: I don't really feel a compulsion to interact online, either. If I were able to stock up on books beforehand, I could easily go a few days or a couple weeks without my phone and be just fine. The only time I really feel a compulsion to be online is to talk to my partner, though I don't think that's because of a fear of missing out.

    5. Addiction: If I'm honest, then yeah this is probably the one that gets me. I tend to spend more time gaming than I probably should. Classifying addiction is always difficult though, as it doesn't really get in the way of other aspects of my life. But then, that also just sounds like I'm trying to justify an addiction, doesn't it?

    6. Cultivation of fear: Nope. I don't really pay attention to any news, I don't see anything particularly violent.

    7. Training: I don't have many strong opinions on much of anything, so I'm not sure I could end up in an echo chamber sort of situation to begin with? I suppose this likely affects me in ways I haven't even thought of, though.

    8. Learning Social Norms: This probably applies to me in some sense, but not in regards to overestimating crime rates. Likely, I just expect people to act more like they do online, which may well be why I think that the average person isn't very smart.

My Media Consumption Habits

 Today we'll be taking a look at my media consumption from Friday, June 3rd and put some thought into the type of media I consume, as we...